Adél Móra

Inspired by the intimate scenes of Melbourne and the ancestral allure of Budapest. A polymath from her earliest years, Adél began her creative odyssey transforming mundane materials into expressive art. Her multifaceted talents flourished across photography, fashion, painting, and sculpture, culminating in a striking debut at Melbourne Fashion Week at just 15. Now, as a RMIT Fine Arts graduate, Adél specialises in mesmerising "Light Sculptures" and intricate, soulful visual narratives that reflect her profound understanding of light and form. Drawing inspiration from visionaries like Hilma Af Klint and James Turrell, Adél’s creations transcend aesthetics to touch the soul, making her works not just visually arresting but deeply emotive. A cornerstone for any serious collection, her pieces offer a glimpse into the future of art, blending innovation with timeless beauty.

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